So during the past few days, I've been taking pictures for my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I can now say that I much more familiar with the camera than I was at the beginning. By familiarizing myself with the camera, it has enabled me to produce potential shots that I want to use in my magazine. I have used two types of shots which are long shots, mid shots. I have used these two particular shots because they are both very common in R&B (my chosen genre) magazines. While taking pictures, I experimented with the lighting. I took a few with a light shining at his figure, then I took others outside. By doing this, it made me realise how lighting affects your image, which place was better and which one was not. I decided to take lots of images as it gives me a wide range of what to choose from. Here are all of the images I took:
While taking my pictures, I thought about the location of where my artist would be placed. Also, different locations had different lighting so this enabled me to pick out key images that I thought would work well for my front cover and the main image is the important. While, taking my pictures, I ensured I took it with a clear background as this would make it easier for me to cut out. To ensure my pictures were good, I asked my teacher for his opinion on what he thought of them. He told me I should add an item on the artist like an era cap, a watch etc. I took this information into account and made my artist wear a watch which is shown in my double page spread. I realised that it made my image stand out and I wish I had done this for my front cover as my double page spread images are much stronger than the ones on my front cover. In many music videos I have realised that most of the artists have an item whether it be or a chain or ring, it makes them stand out much more than them wearing nothing at all.
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